Making Our New Bed Display - BF Home Norwich
Trying a bed in a busy showroom can feel a little awkward right?
It can feel like everyone in the store is staring, as you tentatively roll onto the latest mattresses, a little off-putting to say the very least. Our team haven’t been resting or asleep, but have started to re-design our bed display in Norwich.
Initial Ideas & Photos From Our Store
Our Bed Department In 2020...
Making Better, Errrrrm Even Better!!!
After a huge effort to update our Fama sofa & Bontempi Casa display's in 2021, our focus has turned to beds & mattresses. We are working towards a late December deadline to address the issue of feeling uncomfortable whilst on one of our 'super comfortable beds'.
Eliminating the issue of awkwardness is our main priority, we want our customers to feel relaxed as if about to fall asleep in their own home. Hard to achieve in a shop, but we’re planning, softer lighting, cosy soft furnishings, & have already removed a huge claustrophobic wall to create airiness.
Our Barker Street Norwich Store
Thanks for reading our latest blog!
We can't wait to unveil this project when it's finished, so follow us on social media for updates & latest BF Home news.
111 Barker Street
Norwich, NR2 4TQ
01603 762081